Reflecting on my viewpoint of a strong team approach, I feel that it is important to ensure that the team are equally invested in the service growth and have a shared understanding and sense of committment.
As I leader, this can fall on my shoulders, and it can require different leadership techiques in one environment to create an effective team. Through my readings and my experience. I see more services struggle with creating a strong team when they use a hierarchal form of leadership. Instead, try an approach that is based around shared leadership or distributed leadership where all to work together in a shared vision.
This shared leadership sees those with strong interests or strengths lead in specific areas the service has addressed as an place to grow in.
For example:
If your service vision is to grow in your sustainable practices then look for an educator with a passion in this area to lead the service. They will be responsble for the research, reflection, collaboration and implementation of change. However, as this is a point interest for them, they will be more inspired and motived.
If someone in your service is very Work Health Safety minded, they would be a great person to take on the role of the WHS officer for your service.
Studies show the workers will feel more valued and more invested in reaching the service goal or vision when they are included. Drawing on the strengths within the team will see your team could help grow stronger and reach service goals.
This is just one small way that I strive to create a strong team and build a sense of ownership.
What do you do?