I ended the night by having good laugh witha friend over something totally silly then followed it with one of the best, restful sleeps in a while. The feelingsthat come from that deep joyful laugher is another great way to overcome mental health. Also, who can argue that sleepis one of the top ways to regroup and refocus.
This morning I was faced with newchallenges and I wonder how I would have handled it, if the night prior had ended up differently. Did the challengego away.. I am sorry to say not yet lol! But neither did my smile and my determination to plod through the daywith a laughter in my voice, a smile on my face and a kind word for those who crossed my path.
Sometimes we have to put our challenges on theback burner and just find something joyful to lose ourselves in. Whether it is walk in the fresh air, enjoyinga coffee and some laugher with a friend, or losing yourself in a good book or the computer. Whatever your vice is,indulge, your challenges will wait until you return, hopefully stronger and with a clear mind to tackle what is bothering you.
So I raise my cup of joe to all my readersand say "Plod on my friends.. there is light on the other side"
Cheers to mental health!!